Thursday, October 25, 2012

Facebook's the Devil

Would you have a problem if you met someone and you were hitting it off pretty good but they did not feel that you should be Facebook friends for whatever reason?
It was a simple question that I asked...but this particular post caused a Huge division amongst the group. Of course most of the guys felt that it was simple insecurity as to why the ladies felt that they needed to be FB friends with their love interest; but shockingly, a couple of women agreed as well. Here are some of their responses...What do you think?

Danielle T. was adamant about being all over her man's page. Lol  She said that if she can't be their Facebook friend then they don't need to be together. It's about respect! Yeah...I gotta respect that. 
And furthermore, she says...he needs to have my name posted as it relates to us being in a relationship... and post a picture every chance he gets.
 Hahaha. Hole up now...
Brad W. says that FB has become way too significant in defining a relationship; it was not designed to make the insecure feel better about their relationship.
Gina G. said that she doesn't have a problem with it one way or another, but he's definitely not getting any passwords.
Dahnisha H. was the first to chime in saying that if they are hitting it off, what's the problem? Friends in private but not public? Delette R. had a similar view.
Lana T. And Carlos N. are left straddling the fence, while Jermaine W. dropped the mic and exited the stage a couple of times after making his point or non-point, saying that this isn't high school...FB is not that serious. Because you are not on your mates' page doesn't mean that they are ashamed of you or trying to hide something, it's social media. Not that serious.
Darrell M. feels that people should have their separate lives and space.
My response was...I understand both positions, but I might have a little bit of a problem with him having pics of his mama, kids, dogs, and cousins on there but none of me. Men can be pretty tricky in their operations and this might be a red flag.
Anyway, I didn't put a dent in this topic. There are over 150 comments on this post. You can join my FB singles page to meet these nuts and join in on all of the interesting conversations.

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