Thursday, August 21, 2014

Freaky Friday-Something for the ladies and the guys(to laugh at)

 Where do they get this stuff from? lol
K.P.Welch posted this today and the responses were hilarious.

 K. Smith responded first and said that there would be 'no return text'.
C.C. said that she would say, "Dang, I never saw a Suzuki like that before." lol
Brandy W. said  DELETE..... and she's right!!!(I agree)
C.G.B. had an entirely different response. She said, "Thank you Baby," and S. C, said that she would be rolling on the floor laughing. hahaha 
Wow...the ladies in the group are so different until it's not even funny. Some will enjoy; others, like me, will throw up a little.
But to each his own, right?  :)
Feel free to leave your response on this post.


C.N.O. posted this for the fellas. (Pick your poison)

J. W. said number 1 and 4. "Don't judge me!" He demanded, as usual.
Gary S. said that he already has three baby mama's so he cannot judge. He went with number 1.
And of course most of the guys went with number four. Who cares if their girl post porn, right? I guess.
 I said that if I had to choose it would be #1 because kids grow up, so you wouldn't have to deal with the daddies forever. Besides, nine out of ten, they are probably already missing in action.
What are your thoughts? What would you choose? And btw, no one decided to take a stab at the bi-polar/no medication broad. They're so scary!

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